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Adding Insulation to a Fire-Tested Wall or Floor Assembly

为设计人员寻求在先前经过防火测试的墙壁上添加纤维或毛毯隔热材料的指南, floor and roof assemblies.

Wall Insulation

当使用未经过绝缘测试的组件时,一般的经验法则是可以将其添加到墙壁上,但在将其添加到地板/屋顶组件时需要额外的天花板石膏层. Below are several references to support this.

Adding Insulation to Wall Assemblies

Section ​VI, Walls and Partitions, of the UL Directory​’s Design Information Section states the following:

2. Mineral Fiber Insulation

在U300中描述的任何木螺柱或钢螺柱墙组件的螺柱腔中,允许添加任何厚度、有或没有饰面的矿物纤维保温材料, V300, W300, U400, V400 and W 400 series of wall designs. 

在单层应用中,螺柱相对两侧的水平对接接头应至少错开12英寸. unless otherwise stated in the individual designs. 在多层应用中,组件同一面相邻层的水平对接接头应错开至少12英寸. unless otherwise stated in the individual designs.​


当未指定作为防火测试墙或分区系统的组成部分时, mineral fiber, glass fiber, 或允许在螺柱腔内添加厚度不超过螺柱深度的纤维素纤维绝缘材料.

When using the component additive method option in IBC Section 722.6, an additional 15 minutes of fire resistance is allowed when including insulation batts in walls; however, no such allowance is provided for floors/roofs.

Adding Insulation to Floor or Roof Assemblies:

​Section III, Floor Ceilings and Roof Ceilings, of the UL Directory​’s Design Information Section states the following:

17. Blanket Insulation

Unless specifically described in the individual designs, 在天花板膜与地板或屋顶结构之间的隐蔽空间增加绝缘材料可能会导致天花板膜过早破裂和/或在火灾条件下结构部件温度升高,从而降低组件的小时额定功率.

Insulation in G500, L500, M500 and P500 Series Designs — For 1-hour-rated G500, L500, M500 and P500 Series assemblies, fiberglass insulation, either loose-fill, 或在石膏板上方的静压室或托梁空间中添加带面或不带面的垫子或毯子, provided an additional layer of gypsum board is added to the assembly. 石膏板应与个别设计中所示的类型相同. 石膏板基层应按设计中规定的紧固件类型和间距进行粘贴. It is not necessary to tape the joints of the base layer. 石膏板饰面层也应按个别设计中所述的紧固件类型和间距进行粘贴. 紧固件的长度应至少增加附加层的石膏板厚度. 饰面层中的接缝应按设计要求进行饰面处理.



In floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling systems, 在吊顶托梁空间增加或减少矿物或玻璃纤维绝缘材料可能会降低耐火等级. The addition of up to 16-3/4 inches of 0.5 pcf glass fiber insulation (R-40), either batt or loose-fill, 任何1或2小时耐火等级的地板-天花板或屋顶-天花板系统,只要有足够深的空腔可以接受隔热,只要在天花板上再加一层1/2英寸X型或5/8英寸X型石膏板,就可以. 石膏板附加层应按照所述的方法应用于测试系统的表面层,但紧固件长度应增加不少于石膏板附加层的厚度.​

在地板空腔的深度内放置额外的绝缘材料也很重要, most notably, 如果存在弹性通道,对所需的最大间距有影响吗. For example, assembly UL L521​ states the following regarding resilient channel spacing:

6. Resilient Channels —Formed from min 25 MSG galvanized steel installed perpendicular to trusses. 当隐蔽空间没有安装绝缘材料时,弹性通道的间距为24英寸. OC. 当绝缘材料(第5项)固定在底板底部时,弹性通道的间距为16英寸. OC. When insulation, Items 5, 5A或5B应用于弹性通道/石膏板天花板膜上, or when Item 5C or 5E is applied to underside of subflooring, the resilient channels are spaced 12 in. OC.

On related topics, 一些设计师发现他们需要在没有经过测试的墙体组件上添加用于剪力墙的木结构板. For more information about this, see this WoodWorks Ask an Expert post on the fire design implications and this Ask an Expert post on the acoustical design implications.